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Design courses


Our educational activities in the field of industrial design, has been one of our important attitudes in order to transfer the valid technical up to date knowledge and also to make preparations to develop the creativity of the fans. Our activities so far include a variety of training sessions and organizing workshops for industrial companies & the students of bachelors or masters of industrial & graphical design.

With such a view, we decided to arrange sets of authoring of educational resources in the form of books and tutorial movies. Yet unfortunately due to lack of copyright protection law in Iran, and perhaps most importantly, the poor approach in the public, it has not been published yet.

With these explanations, however, we decide to make a solution to prepare & publish a series of valuable and costly teaching stuffs. We  recently have compiled a series of video tutorials for Rhinocerous & Alias which are in a workshop environment. there are Detailed instructions and techniques taught. As in the training process, a wide range of exercises and examples, are analyzed first, and performed afterwards.

This collection is currently being developed following consultations on how the presentation will be dedicated to enthusiasts.

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